Research everything about your donors in one place

PredictDonors provides fundraising teams with accurate work histories, interests, salary ranges, past donations, emails, and more.

Perfect for all fundraising teams
We work with higher ed institutions, non-profit organizations, and more.
Higher ed institutions
Enrich your database with more accurate data to focus on your most promising alumni.
Non-profit organizations
Identify your most ready-to-give donors and make the right ask at the right time.
All the prospect data you need
Collect data from multiple sources to get the most accurate and complete data on your donors.
Get work histories, education, interests, and more.
Elections Canada
Get prior donation history and political affiliations.
12+ Email Providers
Get email addresses by combining multiple providers.
Get the most accurate salary ranges on the market.
CRA Charity Records
Get prior contributions to similar non-profits.
Google News
Get the latest news and updates about your prospects.
Ready to speed up your prospect research?
Start using PredictDonors today to get the most accurate data on your donors.